You searched for: “most desolate
desolate (DES uh lit; DEZ uh lit) (adjective), more desolate, most desolate
1. Relating to the absence of inhabitants; deserted: Jack and Mildred drove for hours along a desolate stretch of the highway before they finally reached a town.
2. Descriptive of a very sad and lonely situation; especially, because someone who is loved has died or gone away: The desolate parents grieved over the death of their daughter.
3. Referring to places that are uninhabited, laid waste, and deserted: The residents could only see a devastated, treeless, and desolate landscape after the fire in their area.
4. Characteristic of a dismal, joyless, gloomy, and without hope condition: Without a job, Henry had desolate prospects for his future.
Characteristic of a dismal and gloomy condition.
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